Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Around the Web Wednesday

Happy Around the Web Wednesday! Browse all the links below for the latest news and topics trending in education and technology. Be sure to let us know which article intrigued you the most!

Don't forget - Speak Up 2014 is open for participation until 12/19! Click here to take the survey and have your voice heard. Thank you for your continued support of Speak Up and Project Tomorrow. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How loud is your state?

Is your state speaking up about education technology and 21st century skills? Use our participation map to see which states are providing a voice to their students, parents, community members, and more. Click here to view the participation map, or click on the image above.

Don't forget that Speak Up is open for participation through December 19th! Click here to take the survey and share your thoughts about education.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Look for big Speak Up news coming your way next week!
Mark your calendars for Speak Up America, which will take place from December 8th to December 12th. This week long celebration of Speak Up participants features our social media contest, with opportunities to win school and classroom grants. Click here to learn more about Speak Up America. Additionally we will be releasing a special announcement on December 3rd at 3PM ET regarding our popular Speak Up social media contests. Check the Speak Up America page and be on the lookout for a special email with the challenge information and contest rules!
Finally, thank you to everyone who has taken the Speak Up survey! Surveys are open through December 19th on our official survey page. Let's take a look at our survey counts:

Survey counts as of November 24

233,701 (and counting!) overall surveys taken.
Students: 193,844
Teachers: 18,974
Administrators: 2,093
Parents: 16,098
Community Members: 2,692

Speak Up Superstars! Our top participants as of today, based on total survey counts:

Top Schools:
North Carolina Virtual School, NC
Hamilton Southeastern High School, IN
Fishers High School, IN
Klein Forest High School, TX
Buhach Colony High, CA
Top Districts:
Hamilton Southeastern Schools, IN
Klein ISD, TX
Weslaco ISD, TX
Wake County Schools, NC
Anaheim City Public Schools, CA
Top States:
Indiana with 39,886
California with 37,693
Texas with 35,733
North Carolina with 30,512
Maryland with 9,399
As always, don't forget to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and our Blog. Have a great Thanksgiving!

- The Project Tomorrow team

Friday, November 21, 2014

Flashback Friday

Happy Flashback Friday! Each week we'll feature past Project Tomorrow news, events, Speak Up data, and more. This week we're focusing on past participant Liberty High School, who submitted the below photo for Speak Up America 2013:

Speak Up America is our weeklong campaign, which celebrates Speak Up participants - past, present, and new! Last year's event featured a photo challenge, a chance to win a free ISTE conference registration, and more - who knows what this year will bring? Stay tuned for news about Speak Up America 2014, which will take place from December 8th-December 12thClick here to learn more about Speak Up America

Additionally, be sure to participate in Speak Up 2014!  Speak Up provides an easy way for students, parents and educators to participate in local decisions about technology, as well as contribute to the state and national dialogue about educational technology. Data from the surveys - including data regarding online classes - will be released in February 2015. Click here to register for Speak Up 2014, and be sure to take the survey before it closes on December 19th, 2014!

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Are we preparing our students to be future ready? Yesterday, President Obama and the U.S. Department of Education hosted "ConnectED to the Future," a summit with over 100 superintendents and other educators from across the country who will lead their schools and districts in the transition to digital learning. At the event, the superintendents signed the Future Ready District Pledge, demonstrating their commitment to implement digital learning, to empower educators through personalized professional learning, and to help other educators who are looking into digital learning.

Out of the 100+ superintendents in attendance of the event, 21 were leaders of Speak Up participating districts. Our Speak Up surveys ask questions regarding technology's impact on student achievement, professional development for educators and administrators, and more. Click here to register for Speak Up 2014, and be sure to take the survey before it closes on December 19th, 2014!

To learn more about #FutureReady and yesterday's event, click here.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Around the Web Wednesday

Happy Around the Web Wednesday! Browse all the links below for the latest news and topics trending in education and technology. Be sure to let us know which article intrigued you the most!

Speak Up 2014 is open for participation until 12/19! Click here to take the survey and have your voice heard.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Speak Up lesson plans

Do you need a class activity for your students before Thanksgiving break? How about our Speak Up surveys? We offer lesson plans for grades K-12. Click on the following links to download our lesson plans, or click on the above image to visit our promotional materials page for our lesson plans and more.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Are you new to Speak Up and unsure of where to begin?

Get started by viewing our tutorial videos! Pulled from our Planning for Speak Up 2014 webinar last week, these tutorials are no longer than five minutes and introduce the basics of Speak Up, including what the program is about, how to access the survey, how to view your data in February 2015, and more. Check out one of our tutorials below, and click here to view the entire playlist.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Throwback Thursday

Happy #ThrowbackThursday! Each week we'll feature past Project Tomorrow news, events, Speak Up data, and more. This week we're focusing on last week's Twitter chat, Blended Learning Benefits. Click here to read the #SUchat, or click on the image below:

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Watch the Planning for Speak Up 2014 webinar here!

Click here if you would prefer to watch the webinar on Google Hangout.
Click here if you would prefer to watch the webinar on YouTube.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Reminder: the Planning for Speak Up 2014 webinar is tomorrow

Webinar: Planning for Speak Up 2014
Google Hangout 
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
8:00AM PT / 11:00 AM ET

Interested in participating in this year's Speak Up surveys but want to learn more about it? Now's your chance! Join Julie Evans CEO, Project Tomorrow for a 45 minute webinar on Wednesday 11/12 to learn about key Speak Up findings from last year – and how your school or district can participate in Speak Up this year. Topics to be covered include:

  • What are some realities about ed tech in our schools today – from the perspective of students, parents, teachers & administrators?
  • Do we have a shared vision for digital learning?
  • Background Information on Speak Up and the benefits of participation
  • How your district can participate in Speak Up 2014

Sound interesting? Register to attend this special webinar at or contact Lisa Chu at or (949) 609-4660 ext. 11.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Twitter chat: Evaluating Mobile Learning

Did you miss our first #SUchat on October 21st? No problem - you can review our discussion on Evaluating Mobile Learning here, or click on the image below:

Friday, November 7, 2014

Webinar: Planning for Speak Up 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

8:00AM PT / 11:00 AM ET

Speak Up provides a quick and easy way for your students, parents, teachers, librarians, administrators and community members to have a voice in local, state and national discussions about emerging technologies in education. Since 2003, over 3.5 million education stakeholders from over 30,000 schools have participated in Speak Up.
Be a part of this year’s Speak Up movement! Join Julie Evans CEO, Project Tomorrow for a 45 minute webinar on Wednesday, November 12 to learn about key Speak Up findings from last year and how your school or district can participate in Speak Up this year. Topics to be covered include:
▪ What are some realities about ed tech in our schools today – from the perspective of students, parents, teachers & administrators?
▪ Do we have a shared vision for digital learning?
▪ Background Information on Speak Up and the benefits of participation
▪ How your district can participate in Speak Up 2014

Interested? Register to attend this special webinar or contact Lisa Chu at or (949) 609-4660 ext. 11.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Throwback Thursday

Happy Throwback Thursday! Each week we'll feature past Project Tomorrow news, events, Speak Up data, and more. This week we're focusing on past participant Pope John XXIII Catholic School from Arizona, who submitted the below photo for Speak Up America 2013:

Speak Up America is our weeklong campaign, which celebrates Speak Up participants - past, present, and new! Last year's event featured a photo challenge, a chance to win a free ISTE conference registration, and more - who knows what this year will bring? Stay tuned for news about Speak Up America 2014, which will take place from December 8th-December 12thClick here to learn more about Speak Up America

Additionally, be sure to participate in Speak Up 2014!  Speak Up provides an easy way for students, parents and educators to participate in local decisions about technology, as well as contribute to the state and national dialogue about educational technology. Data from the surveys - including data regarding online classes - will be released in February 2015. Click here to register for Speak Up 2014, and be sure to take the survey before it closes on December 19th, 2014!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Don't miss Julie's third Twitter chat - tomorrow at 8pm ET!

Julie Evans will be hosting her third Twitter chat TOMORROW (Thursday, November 6th)! Join her at 8pm ET to discuss the benefits of blended learning. Check out some information below:

Blended Learning Benefits

Time: Thursday, November 6th at 8PM ET/7PM CT/5PM PT
Julie will be hosting her third Twitter chat on the benefits of blended learning while she is at the 2014 iNACOL Blended Learning Symposium. During this discussion she will include topics mentioned at the symposium, as well as data from past Project Tomorrow reports, such as our report, “2013 Trends In Online Learning Virtual, Blended And Flipped Classrooms” with Blackboard K-12.
Additionally, the following questions will be discussed during the chat:
  1. Why blended? What are the advantages of implementing a blended learning classroom?
  2. What are the barriers or obstacles to implementing blended learning - in a classroom or schoolwide?
  3. What is your best advice for educators who are new to blended learning? What really works?

If participating, be sure to use the hashtag #SUchat in your Tweets! Click here to sign up to receive a reminder for tomorrow's #SUchat.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Speak Up News, November 2014

Happy November and Speak Up monthly newsletter update! Can you believe it? We are already one month into Speak Up and are off to a fantastic start with over 85,000 surveys taken! A big shout out goes to our top 5 states: California, Indiana, Texas, North Carolina and Florida. Be sure to check out our newparticipant map to keep track of who’s Speaking Up.
There are still 7 more weeks to go—Share your ideas and opinions with policy makers and the broader education community by taking the survey today. Take the survey, and pass it on!
In this newsletter, you will find information regarding...
▪ Speak Up 2014: Teachers, Librarians and Administrators - take the survey today! Surveys are available for input through December 19th, 2014.
▪ School and district leaders: Learn how Speak Up can benefit your school(s) and district.
▪ Speak Up in Action: See what this year’s Speak Up top schools and districts had to say about why they participate in Speak Up.
▪ Speak Up America: Our weeklong celebration of Speak Up participants will take place in December!
▪ Speak Up On the Go: Check out this month's events.

Happy reading! Feel free to share your thoughts with us on FacebookTwitter, and our Blog.

-The Project Tomorrow team

Speak Up 2014

Teachers, Librarians and Administrators:

Share your ideas about digital learning by completing a Speak Up survey today

How do you use technology for learning?
Share your perspective in the Speak Up 2014 survey, and help steer the future of education technology.
To achieve real and positive change in the field of education technology, it is crucial that you share your ideas and opinions with policy makers and the broader education community. Make a difference today by expressing your views in the Speak Up 2014 National Research Project!
Surveys are open for input through December 19th, 2014
For additional information on the Speak Up surveys, including FAQs, promotional materials and more please visit

School and District Leaders:

Use Speak Up to learn about the unique digital learning aspirations of your students, parents, staff and community members

Sign up to be a part of this year’s Speak Up Research Project and start learning about the ideas and views of your stakeholders regarding digital learning, both in school and at home.
Promote the online surveys and Project Tomorrow will send you an online report in early February that documents your locally collected data plus the national data to use for benchmarking or to compare results. How do your students compare to other students within your state or the nation in terms of their interest in mobile, online and digital learning? Are the expectations of your parents aligned with national goals? Are your teachers ready for digital learning today?
Join your colleagues nationwide who are already using Speak Up data to inform school or district plans, policies, purchases and programs around digital learning. There is simply no substitute for understanding the specific aspirations of your own students, parents and staff for improving the use of technology within teaching and learning.
Get started today by:
▪ Having your K-12 students complete their grade level and reading level appropriate 20 minute online surveys – either in school or after school
▪ Facilitate opportunities for your teachers, librarians, technology coordinators and school/district staff to complete their own online surveys
▪ Share the online survey link with your parents via social media, school websites and/or newsletters:
▪ Promote participation in the surveys to your wider community – business partners, after school programs, civic leaders, support staff

Need help? Contact the Speak Up team at

Speak Up in Action

See what this year’s Speak Up top schools and districts had to say about why they participate in Speak Up, and learn how they utilized their school/district’s data! Below are a few quotes from our top schools and districts:
"Via Speak Up, I finally have data that is useful and meaningful; it is an amazing service that is provided to schools. I can't wait to compare data from last year to this year to see how we've changed, how we've grown, etc. It is an amazing planning tool." —Milena Streen, St. Ignatius High School (OH)
"Speak Up reports provide the opportunity for the state to hear student and teacher voices from school districts across the state and compare the state data to the national data. The higher the level of participation by schools, the more impact their voices have. This is especially beneficial for planning and policy decisions at the state level. Speak Up data was invaluable in the development of the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020 and continues to be used when progress reports on the plan are submitted to the Texas Legislature.” —Anita Givens, former Associate Commissioner for Standards and Programs at the Texas Education Agency
"Themes included in the survey questions align with a majority of technology initiatives implemented by districts. The Speak Up survey allows school administrators to gauge the student’s access, use and need for additional classroom technologies and supports throughout the learning process."
—Dr. Kristy Sailors, Blue Valley School District (KS)
Click here to learn more about Speak Up in Action and tell us your Speak Up story!

Speak Up America starts next month!

Mark your calendars! Speak Up America 2014 takes place from December 8th to December 12th.

In honor of the superb survey period that took place during Speak Up 2013, Project Tomorrow launched the inaugural “Speak Up America” campaign, a weeklong event to celebrate Speak Up participants, past, present and new!
Now in its second year, Speak Up America 2014 will feature infographics using current survey data, a weeklong photo challenge with a chance to win classroom grants, and more! Be on the lookout for more information about Speak Up America 2014 before it starts on December 8th.
Click here to learn more about Speak Up America

Speak Up on the Go!

Attend Julie's session at the iNACOL 2014 Symposium in Palm Springs!

The Self-Directed Professional Development Lives of Online Leaders
Education leaders who are designing and delivering online courses are leading the pack in leveraging online tools to transform learning. But, are they also pioneering the use of digital tools to self-direct their own professional development? In this session we will share Speak Up data about how online educators are tapping into informal PLCs and social media to develop online teaching skills, and learn about the first hand experiences of educators participating in ETLO’s online community.Click here to learn more about the symposium and Julie's session.
Additionally, Julie would love to meet up with any attendees of the iNACOL 2014 Symposium who are interested. Please contact Lisa Chu at if you would like to meet Julie Evans during the symposium.

Twitter chat: Blended Learning Benefits

Time: Thursday, November 6th at 8PM ET/7PM CT/5PM PT
Julie will be hosting her third Twitter chat on the benefits of blended learning while she is at the 2014 iNACOL Blended Learning Symposium. During this discussion she will include topics mentioned at the symposium, as well as data from past Project Tomorrow reports, such as our report, “2013 Trends In Online Learning Virtual, Blended And Flipped Classrooms” with Blackboard K-12.
If participating, be sure to use the hashtag #SUchat in your Tweets! Click here to sign up.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our Speak Up Operations Manager, Jenny Hostert, at or via phone at 949/609-4660 ext. 17.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Check out our new lively Speak Up information flyer!

This fun, colorful flyer is a great outreach tool to get more of your schools involved in Speak Up. It provides general information about the survey, survey links, and dates with a list of topics and why to participate. Use this as a supplemental attachment to your encouragement emails, promotional flyer handout or as an image on your website. Click on the image below to download the flyer on our website: