Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Record Numbers of Retiring Teachers

Recently, an article in GreenwichTime.com reported that high numbers of teachers are choosing to retire this year.
A variety of reasons for this mass retirement are elaborated upon further in the article, but some of the main reasons highlighted include:
1. Age
2. Policy changes in retirement options
3. Educational reforms (specifically reforms that tie a teacher’s evaluation criteria on the test scores of his/her students)
With retiring teachers on the rise nation-wide, the future of our education lies in the hands of our current and future educators. The Future Educators Association of California, an initiative of Project Tomorrow, was established in order to “attract, equip and provide experiences for students who are exploring teaching as a future career; to develop essential skills that will lead to highly trained and qualified teachers.” Now, more than ever, we must invest & support our future educators in order to plan for a bright tomorrow. To learn more about F.E.A California, log onto http://www.futureeducatorsca.org/.
How do you think the rise of retiring teachers will affect our children & education in the United States?
Future Educators of CA

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